Landscaping Trees for the Front of the House

Landscaping Trees for the Front of the House

How to Boost Curb Appeal with Landscaping TreesBoost Curb Appeal with Landscaping Trees for the Front of the House

If you're interested in adding trees to the area in front of your house, you're definitely on the right track. Trees are beautiful and landscaping trees for the front of the house will boost curb appeal…fast!

Today, we're going to suggest some landscaping trees for your front yard that are very popular in the USA and Canada. While not every tree that we talk about will be right for every front yard, due to climate and other considerations, we think that you'll discover a few which are excellent additions to a “short list”.

It's good to learn about different landscaping tree choices before making a final decision about what to plant in your very own front yard!

How to Choose Landscaping Trees for the Front of the House

Since most trees require maintenance and care, it’s important to find trees with qualities you can enjoy. The first thing you have to do is to know your motivation. In this way, you can choose the right type of tree for you.

We highlighted the type of trees below and we also picked some amazing options for you but first, let’s talk about other important aspects to consider before buying a tree.

If you want to enjoy the benefits of the tree fast, choose a fast-growing tree and don’t choose one that grows in years or even decades.

Not all trees are evergreen so if you want to be able to admire beautiful foliage year-round, stay away from deciduous trees.

Ask yourself if you can provide all the things a tree needs in order to survive in front of your house. Also, consider the climate and weather requirements. Some trees do better in cold weather, while others thrive in hot climates.

On top of all these things, you should think about your location and if the tree can adapt. Some trees are tolerant of urban conditions such as pollution, nigh lighting, and compacted soil but not all are, so make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into.

While trees cannot be considered dangerous, there are some liabilities you should be aware of, especially if you have small children. Some trees have spiked balls, others drip fuzzy balls – if you know you have allergies, look into the type of trees you can get. Same thing if you have a small child you don’t want to get hurt.

What Are the Best Landscaping Trees for the Front of the House

Before looking at landscaping trees for the front of the house, you should know the types that you will come across. There are three main categories: ornamental trees, shade trees, and conifers.

Ornamental trees are beautiful and special. They have colorful foliage, berries or amazing blooms. Depending on what you choose, you may even have some fruits to eat.

Shade trees are the best canopy in the world. They provide protection against the sun and a cool place to relax during hot summer days. However, these trees take years to grow and they require a lot of maintenance.

Conifers create a natural privacy screen that can keep away nosy neighbors. They look beautiful year-round. Bonus – you can decorate them during winter!

Opt for the Beautiful Crape Myrtle Tree

Crape Myrtle Tree - a great landscape tree for the front of your house.

These trees are decorative and easy to take care of. Tough and resilient, despite their good looks, Crape Myrtle trees are resistant to deer and drought.

Best for hotter, sunnier locales, these pretty trees will bloom in the summertime (when many trees have stopped doing so. You should look up to plenty of lovely, hot pink flowers!

However, they need lots of room to mature, as they grow to heights of fifteen to twenty-five feet and don't generally respond well to being cut down on top. In terms of width, these landscaping trees will grow from six to fifteen feet wide.

The Acer Saccharum Tree – a Fine Choice

Acer saccharum or Sugar Maple is a great option for your front yard

This beautiful tree thrives in many different types of soil. So it's one of the best landscaping trees for the front of the house. It's also known as a “Sugar Maple” and it's a great alternative for an elm or ash tree. The Elm and Ash trees are prone to disease.

Also, we love the way that this tree comes to life in the autumn. Its colorful leaves add so much beauty to front yards at this time of year. As well, these landscaping trees allow their owners to tap them for sap and create maple syrup from scratch.

The majestic Acer Saccharum will grow to heights of sixty to seventy-five feet and forty to fifty feet in width.

Discover the Stunning Cotinus Coggygria

Cotinus Coggygria - perfect tree for front yard landscaping

This tree is a little smaller so choosing one or more of these trees will be great for front yard landscaping. Especially if your own home is smaller in scale and size. This tree grows to ten to fifteen feet in height and twelve feet in width.

When landscaping trees in the front yard, consider planting these trees in groups. They are also good choices as windbreaks or as hedging. Best for dry, hot climates, they do well in a variety of soil types. As well, they offer lots of color and texture, thanks to their blossoms, which bloom pink in the spring and fiery autumn tones in the fall.

Shop for New Trees Today

Landscaping trees in the front of your house are such a wonderful way to make your front yard a more beautiful place. We hope that our landscape design ideas gave you some welcome inspiration!


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